CHEM 320 – Elementary Organic Chemistry, Summer 2024, SSE

Course Description: This one semester course covers all fundamental principles of organic chemistry, including modern bonding theory, analytical techniques, physical properties, and chemical reactions. This course is designed to satisfy requirements for students in the UMKC Six-Year Medical Program or certain Biology B.A. majors. This course is not recommended for pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy or other pre-health students. Restrictions/Exclusions: None.

Section 0001 (31451), Lecture (P), 4 units; Meets: MTWR 11:15 - 1:00 pm, Spencer Chemistry 201

1.     Instructor:                         Dr. Todor Gounev; Div. of EMS, SSE; Office, SCB 223C; Phone, 235-2294; e-mail, (preferred method of communication); Office hours, MTW 1:00-2:00 PM and daily by appointment.

2.     Required materials:           “Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry,” 7th Edition, by John McMurry; Brooks/Cole, 2011 (ISBN: 9781439049716); 6th (9780495012030) or 5th (9780534395735) editions are fine. 

                                                OWLv2 access for “Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry”

3.     Recommended materials:   Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry,” 7th Edition, by Susan McMurry, Brooks/Cole, 2011 (ISBN: 9781439049723); 6th (9780495019329) or 5th (9780534395742) editions are fine (make sure to match the edition to that of the textbook)

                                                Molecular model set

4.     Prerequisites:                    A grade of C- or better in CHEM 212 and 212L or equivalent

5.     Co-requisites:                    CHEM 320L

6.     Schedule of Lecture Topics:





  3 M

Orientation, Chpt. 1



  4 T

Chpt. 1, 2



  5 W

Chpt. 2



  6 R

Chpt. 2, 3



10 M

Chpt. 3



11 T

Chpt. 4



12 W

Chpt. 4

Review session, 3:30-5:00 pm, SCB 201


13 R

Exam I (Chapters 1-3)



17 M

Chpt. 5



18 T

Chpt. 5



19 W

Juneteenth holiday (No Classes)



20 R

Chpt. 6



24 M

Chpt. 6



25 T

Chpt. 7

Review session, 3:30-5:00 pm, SCB 201


26 W

Exam II (Chapters 4-6)



27 R

Chpt. 7



  1 M

Chpt. 8



  2 T

Chpt. 8



  3 W

Chpt. 9



  4 R

Independence Day holiday (No classes)



  8 M

Chpt. 9, 10



  9 T

Chpt. 10



10 W

Chpt. 10



11 R

Chpt. 11

Review session, 3:30-5:00 pm, SCB 201


15 M

Exam III (Chapters 7-10)



16 T

Chpt. 11

Last day to withdraw with a W 


17 W

Chpt. 13



18 R

Chpt. 13



22 M

Chpt. 13



23 T

Chpt. 12



24 W

Chpt. 12

Review session, 3:30-5:00 pm, SCB 201


25 R

Exam IV (Chapters 11-13)


7.     Student Learning Outcomes: 

·        Explain the fundamental principles governing the structure, bonding and reactivity of organic molecules

·        Utilize mechanisms and key functional group properties to predict the products of organic reactions

·        Apply knowledge of basic chemical reactions to design a multistep synthesis

·        Utilize standard analytical techniques (e.g., IR, UV-Vis, and NMR spectroscopies) to identify organic structures

8.     Class Attendance:  Attendance at lecture will not be recorded on a regular basis.  However, random checks will be made in order to identify students who consistently miss class.

9.     Homework:  The homework assignments include all “end of section” problems for chapters 1 through 13.  These assignments will reinforce concepts and principles described in the text and assist you in preparing for the examinations.  However, these assignments will not be graded.  Answers to the problems are given at the end of the textbook, while complete solutions are given in the study guide. 

10.   OWL:  In addition to the “end of section” problems, a set of homework problems and tutorials for each chapter will be offered through OWL (Online Web-based Learning).  These assignments will be graded.  To do your assignments, login to OWL by clicking here or from the link in Canvas.  OWLv2 is a Cengage product, so you will be prompted to login to Cengage.  If you already have a Cengage account from other classes at UMKC, use your existing credentials.  But if you don’t have an account yet, you will have to create one.  Please use your correct name and UMKC e-mail address.

11.   Exams:  Four exams will be administered during the semester.  They will cover material indicated in the syllabus.  The exam questions will be quite similar to the “end of chapter” problems!  You will be given the entire class time to complete each exam. 

       No make-up exams will be administered in the course.  In order to obtain an excused absence from an examination, the student must communicate in person or by phone the reason for his or her absence prior to the examination if possible and provide written documentation pertaining to the legitimacy of the absence. 

12.   Grading:  Final grades will be calculated as follows:

       4 Exams (20% each)          ®  80%

       OWL average                    ®  20 %

       Total scores (in %) within the following ranges guarantee the student at least the indicated letter grade: A, 90.0-100; B, 80.0-89.9; C, 70.0-79.9; D, 60.0-69.9; F, 0-59.9.  Plus/minus ranges will be included at the end of the semester; however, averages within the above ranges guarantee the listed letter grades.  Turnaround for grading of Exams will be less than 48 hours.  After each examination, the scores will be posted in Canvas.       

UMKC Resources & Policy Statements

Important UMKC Resources and Policies are applicable to every course and every student at UMKC. As a UMKC student, you are expected to review and abide by these policies. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor for clarification. This course follows the “Faculty allowing recording” option of the Academic Inquiry, Course Discussion and Privacy policy.  At the end of the semester, all students will have the opportunity to evaluate this course and instructor. These evaluations, conducted online through RooEval, will remain anonymous and will not be shared with faculty until after the final grades are turned in.  Link to RooEval:

School of Science and Engineering Advising & Academic Support

Please refer to the following web page and the linked resources for critical information regarding advising, course policies and resources: